Integrated Management System IMS at BSR

  • The Integrated Management System (IMS) of BSR is a system integrated from the Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2015, Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001:2015, Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to ISO 45001:2018, and Energy Management System according to ISO 50001:2018.
  • Application locations (2 locations):
    • Head Office: 208 Hung Vuong Street, Tran Phu Ward, Quang Ngai City, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam.
    • Dung Quat Refinery (DQR): Binh Tri Commune, Binh Son District, Quang Ngai Province.
  • Activities and products registered for IMS application: production and trading of refinery products.
  • Functional departments applied: all departments under the control and management of the Company's General Director, excluding the DQRE Branch and subsidiaries/affiliated companies.
  • Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy:


The Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental, and Energy (QHSE) Policy of Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Joint Stock Company (BSR) is: to minimize risks to people, the environment, and assets; to satisfy the growing needs of customers and use energy efficiently and effectively in the production, transportation, and distribution of refining and petrochemical products.

To implement this Policy, the Company commits to establishing and maintaining a Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental, and Energy Management System to ensure:

1. Full compliance with current legal regulations and obligations;

2. Meeting the QHSE management requirements according to current international standards and continuously improving the system to enhance the Company’s production and business performance;

3. Meeting customer expectations regarding product quality, efficient and effective use of energy and resources, environmental protection, and community well-being;

4. Controlling hazards and risks that may cause occupational accidents, occupational diseases, fires, asset damage, environmental harm, and deterioration of product and service quality;

5. Ensuring that an emergency response plan is established, with personnel readiness and emergency response equipment systems to handle emergencies promptly and effectively;

6. Providing sufficient resources and motivating employees to propose and implement optimal solutions to improve the Company’s quality, safety, environmental, and energy management system;

7. Enhancing training efforts, improving management systems, and necessary documentation to minimize risks in production and business to the lowest possible level;

8. Applying technological techniques, procuring, and using products and services with high energy efficiency.

The leadership and all employees of the Company strive to achieve this Policy.

Environmental Work

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<p>Environmental protection is a top priority of BSR’s business activities for the sustainable development goals. BSR’s Environmental Management System has been established, maintaining and continuously improved&nbsp;according to ISO14001: 2015.</p> <div style="text-align:center"> <figure class="image" style="display:inline-block"><img alt="" height="567" src="/documents/69919/70011/ky-su-BSR-tren-cong-trinh.jpeg/7524e5a3-9d3e-6e0c-f679-75d37c66402e?t=1735805301922" width="1000" /> <figcaption>Directing on environmental protection by Top Management Board</figcaption> </figure> </div>
<p><strong>Environmental aspects in BSR's operations include:</strong></p> <p>2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Emissions:</p> <p>Emissions from Dung Quat Refinery include the following 3 groups: Heating furnaces, boilers; catalyst regeneration furnaces; and sour gas treatment and sulfur recovery processes.</p> <p>The total emission volume of the Plant is about 7 million tons/year. Of which, greenhouse gases are about 1.6 million tons/year</p> <figure><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" style="width: 95%; height: auto;" /></span></span></span></span></span></span></figure> <p><strong>2.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Wastewater:</strong></p> <p>During the production activities of the Plant, an average of about 300 m3/hour of wastewater is generated.</p> <p>The entire amount of wastewater is collected and treated to the permitted quality by the Plant's wastewater treatment system with a design capacity of 565 m3/hour.</p> <figure><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" style="width: 95%; height: auto;" /></span></span></figure> <figure> <p><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" style="width: 95%; height: auto;" /></span></p> <p>2.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Generation of solid waste, domestic waste</p> <p>Waste generated in the operation of the Computer Factory includes the following types:</p> <p>- Domestic solid waste: Generated from the activities of workers and contractors. The generated volume is about 450 tons/year</p> <p>- Ordinary industrial solid waste: Generated about 5,000 tons/year;</p> <p>- Hazardous waste: Generated about 700-1000 tons/year.</p> <p>All generated waste is collected, classified, stored and treated by BSR in accordance with waste management regulations.</p> </figure>
<p>The company regularly organizes propaganda programs to raise awareness of environmental protection for workers, contractors working at BSR and the surrounding community.</p> <figure><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" style="width: 95%; height: auto;"></span> </figure> <figure><span contenteditable="false" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" style="width: 95%; height: auto;"></span> </figure>
<p>With risks in its operations, BSR builds scenarios and prepares resources to respond to possible incidents.</p> <figure><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" /> <figcaption> </figcaption> </figure>
<p>Dung Quat Refinery is on the list of facilities regularly monitored by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for environmental issues. The Dung Quat Refinery Environmental Monitoring Team was established by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment in Decision No. 2902/QD-BTNMT dated September 19, 2018 and adjusted in Decision No. 922/QD-BTNMT dated April 13, 2020 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment</p> <p>According to the assessment of the Environmental Monitoring Team, local authorities and communities, BSR has always performed well in environmental protection</p> <figure><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" /> <figcaption> </figcaption> </figure>